Not Your Mother's Potato Salad
1 cup of Bailey Smoked Bacon Bleu
1lb of small red or yellow potatoes or mixed (go crazy) cut in quarters
Cooked soft not too soft don’t make mashed potatoes!
Plunge in ice bath to stop the cooking process. Cool them through
4 slices of cooked bacon crumbled
1/4 cup good bleu cheese crumbled
1/3 cup fresh chopped dill
Bunch of green onions chopped
4 stalks of celery rough chopped
1 tbs apple cider vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste
(You may want to add a little mayo to this before you garnish it, some like a creamier texture.
Thinly slice mild onion again to your taste
Mix the vegetables add the apple cider vinegar toss it, to coat add the Baileys Smoked Bacon Bleu Cheese dressing, chill for an hour or more. Before you serve it, garnish with the bacon, dill and bleu cheese over top.
Serve it in a pretty bowl